DJ Creekstone Farms Premium Beef Counters USDA BSE Claims
November 9, 2006

DJ Creekstone Farms Premium Beef Counters USDA BSE Claims

-By Lester Aldrich Dow Jones Newswires KANSAS CITY (Dow Jones)–Creekstone Farms Premium Beef on Monday confirmed in an email that it had filed its reply to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s opposition to the firm’s desire to test all of the cattle it slaughters at its Arkansas City, Kan.,...

Locally Grown or Organic?
November 8, 2006

Locally Grown or Organic?

By Martha Filipic, OSU Extension Ohio Farm Bureau Federation Columbus, OH — It may be beneficial for organic farmers and local food distributors to market their products differently to different types of consumers, according to Ohio State University research. The study, “A Comparison of Attitudes About Local and Organic...

Our Daily Bread
November 8, 2006

Our Daily Bread

The Chicago premiere of a new film on industrial food Our Daily Bread is a wide-screen tableau exposing the brave new world of industrial food production and high-tech farming. As evocative and (seemingly) futuristic as any sci-fi work, the film looks at how food is now produced for the...

Hype vs. Hope
November 2, 2006

Hype vs. Hope

Is Corporate Do-Goodery for Real? Bill McKibben Mother Jones November/December 2006 Issue Ten percent of a two-year-old’s nouns are brand names; by the time an American child heads to school, he or she can recognize hundreds of logos. Disney is now putting its cartoon characters on fresh fruit, arguing...

The Vegetable-Industrial Complex
October 16, 2006

The Vegetable-Industrial Complex

The Way We Live Now The New York Times By MICHAEL POLLAN Soon after the news broke last month that nearly 200 Americans in 26 states had been sickened by eating packaged spinach contaminated with E. coli, I received a rather coldblooded e-mail message from a friend in the...

When ‘Organic’ Defeats its Own Purpose
October 12, 2006

When ‘Organic’ Defeats its Own Purpose

How the Wal-Marting of organics hurts us all By Cliff Bostock Creative Loafing I was lucky to do my two years of training as a psychotherapist in Sonoma County, arguably the birthplace of the nation’s growing taste for organic and local food. Indeed, the facility where I worked had...

Pro-Wal-Mart Travel Blog Screeches To A Halt
October 12, 2006

Pro-Wal-Mart Travel Blog Screeches To A Halt

What do you call a phony blog that’s actually a front for a huge corporation? A “flog”? by Tom Siebert MediaPost Publications, New York A pro-Wal-Mart blog called “Wal-Marting Across America,” ostensibly launched by a pair of average Americans chronicling their cross-country travels in an RV and lodging in...

Wal-Mart Declares War on Organic Farmers
September 28, 2006

Wal-Mart Declares War on Organic Farmers

Partners with Agribusiness for Corporate Takeover CORNUCOPIA, WISCONSIN: A report released today by The Cornucopia Institute, the nation’s most aggressive organic farming watchdog, accuses Wal-Mart of cheapening the value of the organic label by sourcing products from industrial-scale factory farms and Third World countries, such as China. (Click here...

Coalition Calls on USDA to Revise Bird Flu Plan
September 27, 2006

Coalition Calls on USDA to Revise Bird Flu Plan

Plan Protects Big Business, Leaves out Poultry Farmers, Workers, Contract Growers and the Public Washington, DC — A broad coalition of stakeholder groups issued a statement today criticizing the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s plan for responding to a U.S. outbreak of bird flu and called for revisions to adequately...

Leafy Green Sewage
September 21, 2006

Leafy Green Sewage

Op-Ed Contributor The New York Times By Nina Planck FARMERS and food safety officials still have much to figure out about the recent spate of E. coli infections linked to raw spinach. So far, no particular stomachache has been traced to any particular farm irrigated by any particular river....

The E. coli Spinach Contamination Issue
September 17, 2006

The E. coli Spinach Contamination Issue

Media Talking Points FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mark Kastel, 608-625-2000 The following information is a counter to the attempt by right-wing think tanks (the Hudson Institute, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, etc.) who are already trying to exploit the spinach E. coli contamination crisis to discredit organic farming practices. Think...

A Milk War Over More Than Price
September 17, 2006

A Milk War Over More Than Price

The New York Times By MELANIE WARNER Many organic foods have been popping up on the shelves of Wal-Mart in recent years, but none have been as popular as organic milk. For many shoppers, particularly mothers with small children, it is the first organic product they try. Now organic...

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