women in a grocery store aisle looking at her list
December 15, 2022

Who Owns Your Favorite Organic Brand?

The success of the organic sector has not escaped the notice of corporate giants, which have been buying up organic brands and investing serious money into getting them into your carts. Cornucopia believes you have a right to know who owns these companies. That’s why we have updated our...

December 12, 2022

Announcing the Independent Brand Project

Heard of these Independent Organic Brands? Printable PDF When it comes to grocery shopping, you want a choice — not just the illusion of one. That’s why Cornucopia has created a list of nationally available, organic-only brands that are currently independently owned. The brands in this list meet the...

A farmer collecting eggs in a pasture
December 8, 2022

The Cultivator – Winter 2022

The Winter 2022 Cultivator, Cornucopia’s quarterly print newsletter, is off the press. Featuring independent journalism and stories you won’t read anywhere else, the Cultivator is mailed to supporters as a benefit of their gift. For a look at what supporters receive, view on your browser or download the PDF here. Highlights of...

Employees holding up products in a grocery store
December 6, 2022

Where You Shop Matters

An excerpt from Concentration and Power in the Food System by Dr. Phil Howard Retailing is the closest link in the food chain to consumers. This structural position gives these firms a gatekeeper role, and thereby the potential to wield enormous power over both consumers and suppliers. Rigorous enforcement...

A pile of different colored carrots
November 22, 2022

Common Ground

A New Hampshire food hub models how community support is essential to the future of organic farms By Michele Marchetti One year after Molly Alfonso joined Vegetable Ranch, her mentor — owner and organic food champion Larry Pletcher — suddenly passed away. “I was devastated,” she recalls. “It was...

quote from ED
November 4, 2022

Cornucopia in the news

The Organic Livestock and Poultry Standards (OLPS) Rule has ignited controversy from every corner of the food system. Called “too weak” by some and draconian by others, this rule will profoundly impact the market, whether or not it passes. As quoted in Food Safety News, Cornucopia Board Chair and organic...

rows of crops covered in plastic with sun in background
October 31, 2022

Report from the October 2022 NOSB Meeting

The National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) held its fall 2022 meeting in Sacramento, California. For over a decade The Cornucopia Institute has covered these proceedings, and we continue to make this vital information about organic food production available to you. Here’s our analysis of the meeting’s highlights: Request for...

October 25, 2022

Follow Cornucopia’s Fall 2022 NOSB Coverage

Join The Cornucopia Institute as we keep you informed via web updates and live tweets from the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) meeting online. We will be sharing the play by play of the meeting on October 25, 26, and 27 below and with our Twitter followers at #NOSB...

Mobile Coop Chickens
October 21, 2022

Cornucopia Decries Big Ag’s Efforts to Kill Animal Welfare Regulation

What industry doesn’t want you to know VIROQUA, Wis., Oct 21, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The long arms of Big Ag are reaching into organic. A flurry of closed-door meetings with lawmakers has drawn out the public comment period on an animal welfare rule in organic, giving the conventional food industry more...

October 5, 2022

The Cultivator – Fall 2022

The Fall 2022 Cultivator, Cornucopia’s quarterly print newsletter, is off the press. Featuring independent journalism and stories you won’t read anywhere else, the Cultivator is mailed to supporters as a benefit of their gift. For a look at what supporters receive, view on your browser or download the PDF here. Highlights of this...

Woman reading an infant formula label
October 5, 2022

A Formula for Disaster

How one independent, organic brand is easing the formula crisis By Michele Marchetti Earlier this year Memphis hospital pediatricians admitted two children with dehydration caused by intolerance to a formula substitution made after their regular specialized formula was suddenly out of stock. The story was just one of many...

Aerial photo of factory farm with four large buildings
September 20, 2022

Now is the Time for a United Front Against Industrialization

UPDATE: Deadline to comment extended to November 10 The deadline for OLPS comments has been extended to November 10. While this allows more time for consumer and retailer support, industry will take full advantage of this opportunity. Your comment is more important than ever! The unparalleled importance of the...

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