Does Organic Imply Grazing?
September 16, 2005

Does Organic Imply Grazing?

New York Times By MARIAN BURROS September 14, 2005 JOHN MACKEY, chairman of Whole Foods Market, with the buying power of his 173 stores across the country behind him, said in a telephone interview yesterday that he wants the Department of Agriculture to strengthen its standards for organic milk....

September 14, 2005


MAYBE NOT! BY Jim Slama When you pick up organic milk at your local grocery, you probably have visions of happy cows, frolicking in a beautiful pasture, chewing their cuds and basically hanging out. You may be surprised to learn that this may not necessarily be the case. In...

USDA Secretary Asked to Clean Up Organic Mess
September 8, 2005

USDA Secretary Asked to Clean Up Organic Mess

WASHINGTON DC: A letter addressed to USDA Secretary Mike Johanns, from The Cornucopia Institute, today asked the Secretary to personally intervene in rebuilding the once promising collaborative environment that existed between the organic community and its regulators. In its letter, the Cornucopia Institute called the current working relationship between...

Going Organic Can Shield Children From Pesticides
September 7, 2005

Going Organic Can Shield Children From Pesticides

A study finds benefits are ‘immediate’ and suggests that youths are exposed to the chemicals primarily through food, not spraying of homes. By Marla Cone L.A. Times Staff Writer September 3, 2005 Switching to organic foods provides children “dramatic and immediate” protection from pesticides that are widely used on...

As Organic Farms Grow, USDA Considers Making Them Keep Cattle in Pastures Longer
August 30, 2005

As Organic Farms Grow, USDA Considers Making Them Keep Cattle in Pastures Longer

By PHILIP BRASHER THE DES MOINES REGISTER (link no longer available) REGISTER WASHINGTON BUREAU Washington, D.C. – Contented cows lazing on rolling green hills. That is the idyllic image that many consumers have of the farms where organic milk is produced. The reality is becoming something different. With consumer demand...

New Study Reveals Thousands of Field Tests of Genetically Engineered Crops Across U.S.
August 26, 2005

New Study Reveals Thousands of Field Tests of Genetically Engineered Crops Across U.S.

Experiments a Threat to Public Health, the Environment, and Farmers PORTLAND, Maine – More than 47,000 field tests of genetically engineered crops were authorized by the U.S. Department of Agriculture between 1987 and 2004 despite serious environmental threats and inadequate regulations in place to monitor their impacts, according to...

News Release:  Organic Farmers Lose Patience With USDA
August 24, 2005

News Release: Organic Farmers Lose Patience With USDA

Cornucopia Institute Files FOIA Probing USDA Rejection of Adopted Pasture Guidance FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mark Kastel, 608-625-2000 WASHINGTON, D.C.: Organic dairy farmers from around the nation once again converged on Washington for the semiannual meeting of the USDA’s National Organic Standards Board. The dairy producers attended the August...

National Organic Standards Board Adopts Pasture Guidance But USDA Staff Rejects Changes and Asks for Further Review
August 24, 2005

National Organic Standards Board Adopts Pasture Guidance But USDA Staff Rejects Changes and Asks for Further Review

The Cornucopia Institute’s Senior Farm Policy Analyst Mark Kastel journeyed to Washington, D.C. for the August 15-17 meeting of the National Organic Standards Board. He was there to push for final adoption of the proposed pasture guidance for dairy cows and ruminants that would close loopholes being used by...

Pasture Guidance Language Adopted by the NOSB
August 24, 2005

Pasture Guidance Language Adopted by the NOSB

The following is the exact language that the National Organic Standards Board adopted on August 16 as guidance requirements for pasture and dairy cows and other ruminants.

Groups Endorse Organic Pasture Guidance
August 17, 2005

Groups Endorse Organic Pasture Guidance

NOSB Adopts Guidance Policy at August 16 Meeting Twenty-nine groups and organizations have endorsed the proposed pasture guidance document for dairy cows and other ruminants and have urged the National Organics Standards Board (NOSB) to adopt it at its August 15-17 meeting in Washington, D.C . On August 16,...

Berry Farmer’s Suit Stuns Organic Goliaths
August 11, 2005

Berry Farmer’s Suit Stuns Organic Goliaths

Lax labeling claim gains steam in court By Andrew Martin Tribune national correspondent August 11, 2005 HARTFORD, Maine — Arthur Harvey, an organic blueberry farmer, lives in a 168-year-old house with an outhouse out back and a solar panel on the roof, which he uses to power his computer....

Antibiotic Abuse
August 9, 2005

Antibiotic Abuse

Editorial The Boston Globe August 8, 2005 THE GREAT, life-saving medical advance of the 20th century was the discovery of antibiotics. Now, in the 21st century, the effectiveness of these miracle drugs is being undercut by their misuse in both people and animals.

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