Superbug Linked to Antibiotic Used on Farms
December 27, 2006

Superbug Linked to Antibiotic Used on Farms

The Herald by JAMES MORGAN The use of antibiotics on farms should be reduced because of suspected links with a superbug in humans, an organic food group claimed yesterday. A virulent strain of E-coli which has killed at least 57 people in the UK has been found on 10...

Harkin Pushes for Rules to Include More Farms
December 27, 2006

Harkin Pushes for Rules to Include More Farms

Organic farmers: Old-fashioned tilling keeps them out of conservation program. Federal government: CSP favors spraying to prevent erosion and greenhouse gases. By PHILIP BRASHER Des Moines Register Washington Bureau (link no longer available) Washington, D.C. – Organic farmers control weeds the old-fashioned way, turning the soil. Most conventional growers,...

Pasture Production Better for Water and Air Quality, Public and Animal Health
December 22, 2006

Pasture Production Better for Water and Air Quality, Public and Animal Health

WASHINGTON, DC — The Union of Concerned Scientists has released a report that shows how pasture-raised pork, chicken, and egg production can avoid the problems conventional production poses for water and air quality and animal and public health. The report also explains the definitions, standards, and label claims for...

Images From an Organic Factory Dairy
December 19, 2006

Images From an Organic Factory Dairy

The Case Vander Eyk, Jr. industrial-scale dairy is located in central California. The 10,000-herd facility is a “split operation.” At this facility at least 3500 of the cows are split from the herd and are supposed to be managed in accordance with federal organic regulations. In February, 2005 The...

So, What if Wal-Mart Made a Mistake?
December 14, 2006

So, What if Wal-Mart Made a Mistake?

by Jim Goodman That was the question asked by the host on a recent Public Radio call-in show. Her question to her guest from the Cornucopia Institute was in regard to recent charges that Wal-Mart was passing conventional grocery items off as USDA certified organic. A mistake? I doubt...

Who Owns Organic?
December 13, 2006

Who Owns Organic?

The latest update of major corporate ownership and involvement in the organic food sector is now out. The chart graphically focuses on the organic brands with ties to the top 25 food processors in North America. Dr. Phil Howard, an Assistant Professor at Michigan State University, is responsible for...

US Accused of Being Lax on Mad Cow Safety
December 7, 2006

US Accused of Being Lax on Mad Cow Safety

The Korea Times By Kim Yon-se U.S. consumer advocacy groups accuse the U.S. government of blocking voluntary tests for mad cow disease by meat processing companies and trying to scale the existing ones down. One case in point is Creekstone Farms, which produced the first batch of U.S. beef...

Back to the Future:  “Organic, Inc.” Provides the Information for Us to Steer a Clear Path
November 29, 2006

Back to the Future: “Organic, Inc.” Provides the Information for Us to Steer a Clear Path

A Book Review by Kathie Arnold It’s been years since I’ve read any fiction books — the last time was when our kids were young when I would read books aloud to them — and they are both young adults now. I have a hard enough time keeping up...

The Organic Conversation Begins Anew (again)
November 28, 2006

The Organic Conversation Begins Anew (again) By Bob Scowcroft Consider the word “organic.” I suspect that readers of this journal would conjure up an incredibly wide range of images. Maybe it was the restaurant patronized last night. How about nutritionally superior and locally farmed produce? Others might find themselves going right to what their...

Foul State of Affairs Found in Feedlots
November 24, 2006

Foul State of Affairs Found in Feedlots

Factory farms are harmful to the public and the environment, researchers report. Los Angeles Times By Marla Cone, Staff Writer Growing so large that they are now called factory farms, livestock feedlots are poorly regulated, pose health and ecological dangers and are responsible for deteriorating quality of life in...

Wal-Mart Charged with Selling Nonorganic Food as Organic
November 14, 2006

Wal-Mart Charged with Selling Nonorganic Food as Organic

Group Asks USDA to Fully Investigate Organic Product Misrepresentation For more information, contact: Mark Kastel, 608-625-2000 Cornucopia, WI: The Cornucopia Institute, the nation’s most aggressive organic farming watchdog, has filed a formal legal complaint with the USDA asking them to investigate allegations of illegal “organic” food distribution by Wal-Mart...

Groups Raise Organic Fish Farming Concerns
November 9, 2006

Groups Raise Organic Fish Farming Concerns

Led by the Center for Food Safety, a number of organizations have endorsed a letter to the National Organic Standards Board raising concerns about proposed organic regulations governing fish farming. The Cornucopia Institute is one of the signatories to the joint letter shown below.

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