FDA Rules Override Warnings About Drug
March 6, 2007

FDA Rules Override Warnings About Drug

Cattle Antibiotic Moves Forward Despite Fears of Human Risk Washington Post By Rick Weiss The government is on track to approve a new antibiotic to treat a pneumonia-like disease in cattle, despite warnings from health groups and a majority of the agency’s own expert advisers that the decision will...

USDA Backs Production of Rice With Human Genes
March 2, 2007

USDA Backs Production of Rice With Human Genes

Washington Post By Rick Weiss The Agriculture Department has given a preliminary green light for the first commercial production of a food crop engineered to contain human genes, reigniting fears that biomedically potent substances in high-tech plants could escape and turn up in other foods. The plan, confirmed yesterday...

Organic Watchdog Obtains Suppressed Public Documents From USDA Lawsuit
March 2, 2007

Organic Watchdog Obtains Suppressed Public Documents From USDA Lawsuit

Secrecy of National Organic Program Successfully Challenged MADISON, WI: Sometimes the dismissal of a lawsuit against the government can still be viewed as a victory for the plaintiffs. That was the case earlier this month in federal district court in Madison, Wisconsin, when Judge Barbara Crabb dismissed a lawsuit...

National Farmers Union to Congress:   Implement COOL
March 1, 2007

National Farmers Union to Congress: Implement COOL

Country of Origin Labeling needed for food WASHINGTON — National Farmers Union, along with more than 200 organizations representing a broad cross-section of groups including consumers, urged members of Congress to support mandatory country-of-origin labeling (COOL). This is the largest coalition letter ever sent on COOL. (The Cornucopia Institute...

Will Thirst for Biofuels Affect Global Hunger?
February 27, 2007

Will Thirst for Biofuels Affect Global Hunger?

Alert Net Ruth Gidley Fans of biofuels give the impression we could soon be running cars on maize, producing electricity with sugar, and getting power from palm oil. Using plants to feed our fuel needs sounds like a great idea, and it could be a moneyspinner for some poor...

Deal May Hurt Organic Cotton
February 27, 2007

Deal May Hurt Organic Cotton

Check Biotech By Kristen Philipkoski Organic cotton growers could face increased risk of crop contamination if a merger between the world’s largest seed company and the nation’s largest cottonseed seller is allowed to proceed, an influential agriculture watchdog group warned Thursday. Biotech giant Monsanto agreed to purchase Delta and...

Nation’s Largest Milk Company Says No to Milk From Cloned Cows
February 27, 2007

Nation’s Largest Milk Company Says No to Milk From Cloned Cows

KTIC 840 Rural Radio Nebraska WASHINGTON (AP) – Milk from cloned cows is no longer welcome at the nation’s biggest milk company. Although the government has approved meat and milk from cloned animals while it conducts further studies, Dean Foods Co. of Dallas said Thursday that its customers and...

Organic Watchdog, USDA Headed to Court
February 20, 2007

Organic Watchdog, USDA Headed to Court

Agency Accused of Refusing to Enforce Law CORNUCOPIA, WI: In a letter sent today, the Cornucopia Institute informed the USDA of their intention to file a complaint in federal district court accusing the agency of ignoring the organic regulations, and the intent of Congress, by their failure to enforce...

Ads Miff Dairy Industry Reps
February 19, 2007

Ads Miff Dairy Industry Reps

Horizon Organic radio spots disparage conventional milk, leaders say Capital Press Cookson Beecher Radio ads for Horizon Organic milk that recently ran in Washington state, Oregon and California have dairy industry representatives dismayed over what they describe as “over the top” disparagement of conventional milk. And while they say...

Federal Court Rules USDA Erred in Approving Genetically Engineered Alfalfa Without Full Environmental Review
February 14, 2007

Federal Court Rules USDA Erred in Approving Genetically Engineered Alfalfa Without Full Environmental Review

Precedent-setting Decision May Block Planting, Sales of Monsanto Alfalfa Washington, DC— In a decision handed down yesterday, a Federal Court has ruled, for the first time ever, that the U.S. Department of Agriculture failed to abide by federal environmental laws when it approved a genetically engineered crop without conducting...

Antibiotic Prohibition Introduced in Congress
February 13, 2007

Antibiotic Prohibition Introduced in Congress

Brownfield Network (link no longer available) by Bob Meyer Bills have been introduced in Congress that would phase-out the non-therapeutic use in animal agriculture of antibiotics that are deemed important to human medicine. The Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act was introduced in the Senate by Edward Kennedy (D-MA),...

A Wild Bird Chase
February 13, 2007

A Wild Bird Chase

The Guardian by Peter Melchett All through the main bird migratory season last autumn, and during this winter, the U.K. government has been testing wild birds for avian flu. They found evidence of the low pathogenic variety of bird flu, which seems to have been present in wild bird...

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