The latest update of major corporate ownership and involvement in the organic food sector is now out. The chart graphically focuses on the organic brands with ties to the top 25 food processors in North America.
Dr. Phil Howard, an Assistant Professor at Michigan State University, is responsible for preparing this information.

You can view a full-size version of Who Owns Organics by clicking here.
Dr. Howard teaches in the University’s Community, Agriculture, Recreation and Resource Studies program. His first organic food sector chart, from 2002 (the date the USDA’s organic standards were implemented), offers an interesting comparison of the dramatic changes that have taken place with organics over the past 4 years. You can view the 2002 organic food sector chart by clicking here.
Two other revealing presentations of organic business have also been prepared by Dr. Howard. These are a chart of major independent organic companies and a chart of private label organic brands, including supermarket chains, specialty chains and distributors.
All of the charts are in a pdf format and may take a few moments to load, depending on your connection speed.