Bill Would Prohibit Cloned Food From Organic Labeling
February 9, 2007

Bill Would Prohibit Cloned Food From Organic Labeling

Wisconsin Ag Connection Two U.S. Senators say that since cloning isn’t a natural process, it shouldn’t be marketed that way. This week, Senators Herb Kohl of Wisconsin and Patrick Leahy from Vermont introduced legislation to bar products that are produced from cloned livestock from receiving an organic food label...

Disease Resistance to Antibiotics Among Humans and Animals Continues to Rise
February 7, 2007

Disease Resistance to Antibiotics Among Humans and Animals Continues to Rise

KANSAS CITY (Dow Jones)–Disease resistance to antibiotics among humans and animals continues to rise, despite declines in their use as a feed-ration additive to prevent illness and to promote growth in livestock and poultry, according to scientists and livestock industry members. In addition, worldwide use of antibiotics to treat...

Voting Beyond Our Forks
February 5, 2007

Voting Beyond Our Forks

Attention shoppers: it’s going to take more than consciousness at the checkout line to fix our broken food system Whole Life Times By Christopher D. Cook Bacterial scares aside, these are propitious days for good food. Burgeoning interest in organic, nontransfatty, local, slow, GMO-free foods suggests a ripening of...

Organics at a Crossroads in 2007
February 5, 2007

Organics at a Crossroads in 2007

By Mark Alan Kastel Now that annual sales of organic food products have reached $16 to $17 billion, and increased marketplace demand is causing ramped-up offerings by major supermarket chains, can the organic industry retain the meaning behind the organic label? After all, no other product or market sector...

Agribusiness:  Organic Erosion
January 29, 2007

Agribusiness: Organic Erosion

Will the term organic still mean anything when it’s adopted whole hog by behemoths such as Wal-Mart? The San Francisco Chronicle Jake Whitney Marin Sun Farms, in Point Reyes, is a collection of ranches on more than 2,000 acres of rolling, certified organic pasture. All year long, cattle and...

Market for Conscientious Consumerism Soaring
January 25, 2007

Market for Conscientious Consumerism Soaring

Retail sales of grocery products making ethical claim reach $33 billion NEW YORK: “Conscientious Consumerism,” the trend towards products with an ethical bent, has taken root across America as consumers increasingly preach their social concerns through their pocketbooks. Sales of organic, hormone-free, eco-friendly, locally- grown, cruelty-free, and other ethical...

Is the FDA’s Cloning Proposal Ready for Prime Time?
January 23, 2007

Is the FDA’s Cloning Proposal Ready for Prime Time?

Between Christmas 2006 and New Year’s day, the Food and Drug Administration released a long-awaited set of documents on animal cloning for food. Now the Organic Center has released a new report, Is the FDA’s Cloning Proposal Ready for Prime Time? The report provides key facts and insightful analysis...

Milk Processors Clout Versus the Voice of Dairy Farmers
January 20, 2007

Milk Processors Clout Versus the Voice of Dairy Farmers

Late last year we learned that the nation’s largest organic dairy processors (Organic Valley, Horizon, Stonyfield, Aurora and Humboldt) collaborated on drafting a secret letter to the USDA Secretary proposing their own “fix” to the controversy regarding factory-farms and whether their cattle are allowed to graze in compliance with...

Are Wal-Mart’s “Organics” Organic?
January 18, 2007

Are Wal-Mart’s “Organics” Organic?

Wisconsin officials have launched an investigation into the giant retailer’s practices after complaints that it may be misleading consumers BusinessWeek by Pallavi Gogoi A year after Wal-Mart (WMT) laid out ambitious plans to become a much bigger player in the organic foods business, the giant retailer is running into...

Organic Fraud:  Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Accused of Widespread Distortion
January 17, 2007

Organic Fraud: Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Accused of Widespread Distortion

Nonorganic Food Products Misidentified as “Organic” Contact: Mark Kastel, 608-625-2000 CORNUCOPIA, WI: When the staff at The Cornucopia Institute surveyed Wal-Mart stores around the country last September, analyzing the giant retailer’s pronouncement that they would begin selling a wide variety of organic food at just a 10% mark-up over...

Amber Fields of Bland
January 16, 2007

Amber Fields of Bland

The New York Times By Dan Barber Tarrytown, N.Y. THERE’S invariably something risky, if not risible, about allowing Congress to decide what’s for dinner. Bad decisions about agriculture have defined government policy for the last century; 70 percent of our nation’s farms have been lost to bankruptcy or consolidation,...

Is the National Animal Identification System Mandatory or Voluntary?
January 12, 2007

Is the National Animal Identification System Mandatory or Voluntary?

By Judith McGeary Numerous sources have reported that the National Animal Identification System, or NAIS, is voluntary. But is that really true? On November 22, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) published a “User Guide“ for NAIS. In it, USDA states that NAIS “is voluntary at the federal level.”...

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