The Case Vander Eyk, Jr. industrial-scale dairy is located in central California. The 10,000-herd facility is a “split operation.” At this facility at least 3500 of the cows are split from the herd and are supposed to be managed in accordance with federal organic regulations.

In February, 2005 The Cornucopia Institute filed a formal legal complaint with the USDA regarding organic livestock management practices on this factory dairy. In particular, the factory-farm’s confinement of its organic milking herd to feedlots and a lack of pasturing were brought to the attention of USDA. These startling new photos from the farm reveal a management approach that the USDA’s National Organic Program has chosen not to investigate.

The following photos were recently taken by a group of students from the UC-Berkeley who were visiting the Vander Eyk factory-farm as part of their research. As you view the images, ask yourself if this is how you define organics.

View of the Vander Eyk, Jr. dairy
Part of the feedlot
organic and conventional side by side
beautiful day
not on pasture here
this isn't pature
Vander Eyk sells factory-farm milk to Horizon
Dead cow on the farm
Mounds of resources and inputs
Vadner Eyk home
Pixley, California

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