You Are What You Grow
April 24, 2007

You Are What You Grow

The New York Times By Michael Pollan A few years ago, an obesity researcher at the University of Washington named Adam Drewnowski ventured into the supermarket to solve a mystery. He wanted to figure out why it is that the most reliable predictor of obesity in America today is...

FDA Was Aware of Dangers To Food
April 23, 2007

FDA Was Aware of Dangers To Food

Outbreaks Were Not Preventable, Officials Say Washington Post Elizabeth Williamson The Food and Drug Administration has known for years about contamination problems at a Georgia peanut butter plant and on California spinach farms that led to disease outbreaks that killed three people, sickened hundreds, and forced one of the...

Organic Milk Supply Expected to Surge as Farmers Pursue a Payoff
April 20, 2007

Organic Milk Supply Expected to Surge as Farmers Pursue a Payoff

The New York Times By Andrew Martin Dairy farmers are rushing to convert to organic milk production, and it is largely because of a blueberry farmer who lives in Maine with a solar-powered computer and an outhouse outfitted with a stained-glass window. Arthur Harvey, the blueberry farmer, persuaded a...

The Organic Label Will Mean:  No Cloned Animals, Period
April 16, 2007

The Organic Label Will Mean: No Cloned Animals, Period

USDA Advisory Panel Sends Clear Message WASHINGTON, DC — The National Organic Standards Board (NOSB), an expert advisory panel to the USDA’s National Organic Program, has made it clear that organic agriculture should not allow the use of cloned animals or their offspring in the production of organic food....

New Studies Show Organic Food has Higher Nutritional Quality
April 11, 2007

New Studies Show Organic Food has Higher Nutritional Quality Three new European research projects have just revealed that organic tomatoes, peaches and processed apples all have higher nutritional quality than non-organic, supporting the results of research from America on kiwi fruit reported 26 March 2007. Researchers found that organic tomatoes “contained more dry matter, total and...

Food Irradiation Rules May Be Relaxed
April 4, 2007

Food Irradiation Rules May Be Relaxed

WASHINGTON (AP) — The government proposed Tuesday relaxing its rules on labeling of irradiated foods and suggested it may allow some products zapped with radiation to be called “pasteurized.” The Food and Drug Administration said the proposed rule would require companies to label irradiated food only when the radiation...

Is This the End of Organic Coffee?
April 3, 2007

Is This the End of Organic Coffee?

Thanks to a recent hush-hush USDA ruling, your clean-conscience, fair-trade, organic latte may soon be a thing of the past Salon By Samuel Fromartz Enjoy your organic coffee now, while it’s hot — because it may not be around for long. Last month, the U.S. Department of Agriculture quietly...

Judge Rules U.S. Government Must Allow Private Testing for Mad Cow Disease
April 2, 2007

Judge Rules U.S. Government Must Allow Private Testing for Mad Cow Disease

WASHINGTON (AP) – The U.S. government must allow meatpackers to test their animals for mad cow disease, a judge ruled Thursday. Creekstone Farms Premium Beef, a meatpacker based in Arkansas City, Kan., wants to test all of its cows for the disease, which can be fatal to humans who...

Investors Continue to Challenge Dean Foods’ Approach to Organics
March 30, 2007

Investors Continue to Challenge Dean Foods’ Approach to Organics

Investment in Factory Farms Questioned BOSTON: Socially concerned investors for the second year in a row have filed a shareholder proposal asking Dean Foods Co. (NYSE: DF) to report to shareholders how it is responding to widespread concern that industrial-scale organic dairies, supplying milk for its Horizon Organic brand,...

Filling Their Sales
March 23, 2007

Filling Their Sales

If organic food is so popular, why are so few farms transitioning their land? Grist By Tom Philpott On a recent trip to Austin, I visited the flagship Whole Foods — a vast space where people gather en masse to render financial sacrifice to that new god, organic food....

“Bt Cotton Poisoning” Reported by Officials in India
March 20, 2007

“Bt Cotton Poisoning” Reported by Officials in India

Bt cotton spells doom for cattle? The Hindu Andhra Pradesh ADILABAD: Grazing on residual Bt cotton crop seems to have resulted in the death of over 200 animals in various mandals of the district in the last two months. The Animal Husbandry Department has sounded an alarm as the...

Federal Judge Orders First-ever Moratorium on Sale of Genetically Altered Seed
March 20, 2007

Federal Judge Orders First-ever Moratorium on Sale of Genetically Altered Seed

USDA approval of genetically engineered alfalfa is vacated, seed sales halted San Francisco, CA: A Federal judge ruled today that the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) 2005 approval of genetically engineered (GE) alfalfa is vacated and ordered an immediate halt to sales of the GE seed. The ruling follows...

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