A Win for Authentic Organic Dairy
Long overdue rule underscores the cost and care of raising organic calves For years after they purchased their land, and before...
Long overdue rule underscores the cost and care of raising organic calves For years after they purchased their land, and before...
A multistate outbreak of hepatitis A in the US and Canada, potentially linked to fresh organic strawberries purchased in grocery stores, is yet another case for buying local: It’s easier to trust your food when you know your farmer. A new tool from The Cornucopia Institute, a nonprofit watchdog...
The Spring/Summer 2022 Cultivator, Cornucopia’s quarterly print newsletter, is off the press. This issue is the first to feature our new design! You’ll find the same great stories and updates, but with a cleaner look! Featuring independent journalism and stories you won’t read anywhere else, the Cultivator is mailed to supporters...
VIROQUA, Wis., May 24, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The Cornucopia Institute, a nonprofit watchdog for the organic label, is helping people find better beef. More than 13,000 eaters have used its Organic Beef Scorecard to take a step away from an industrial model reliant on synthetic fertilizers. Ranking more than...
Last week, the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) unanimously voted to limit the use of highly soluble nitrogen fertilizers. This is a win for authentic organic farming. “Feed the soil, not the plant” embodies the wisdom of the organic movement. Instead of relying on shortcuts, authentic organic farmers steward...
Join The Cornucopia Institute as we keep you informed via web updates and live tweets from the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) meeting online. We will be sharing the play by play of the meeting on April 26, 27, and 28 below and with our Twitter followers at #NOSB...
After decades of pressure from Cornucopia and its colleagues in organics, USDA is moving forward with the long-overdue final rule on Origin of Livestock. The final rule underscores a key value of authentic organic dairy: the cost and care necessary to raise organic calves on farms. Unbeknownst to many...
Pointing to a decade’s loss of 100,000 small family farms, Organic Valley recently announced a plan that will hopefully distance 80 Northeast organic dairy farms from that bleak statistic. Organic Valley is offering those 80 farms, most of which were deserted by Danone in its quest for improved financial...
An update from Policy Director Kestrel Burcham, JD Even though it is not always front and center, policy undergirds Cornucopia’s work. Policies steer legislative outcomes, and we carefully follow the agricultural strategies of each administration. Climate Policy President Biden’s Executive Order, Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad,...
The Winter 2021 Cultivator, Cornucopia’s quarterly print showcase, is off the press. Featuring independent journalism and stories you won’t read anywhere else; the Cultivator is mailed to supporters as a benefit of their gift. For a look at what supporters receive, download the PDF here. Highlights of this issue...
Step #1: Know Your Farmer Your food has a story to tell — your food’s packaging has a story to sell. Shoppers who look beyond marketing gimmicks to seek out the whole story behind their food can meaningfully impact their food system. Chipping away at Big Ag starts by...
The Fall 2021 Cultivator, Cornucopia’s quarterly newsletter, is now available. Download the PDF. In it you’ll find: Heartbreak and Hope: The diagnostic story of California Cloverleaf Farms Dairy Growing a Fresh Start at Rockside Ranch Savannah Stalwart & The Nonagenarian Farmer Why Breeds Matter A 40-Year Soil Study
The Cornucopia Institute, through research and investigations on agriculture and food issues, provides needed information to family farmers, consumers and other stakeholders in the good food movement and to the media.