A sign in a field reading "danger, pesticides, keep out"

Merchants of Poison: How Monsanto Sold the World on a Toxic Pesticide draws back the curtain on the pesticide industry’s efforts to suppress and downplay the health risks of glyphosate. Authored by Stacy Malken (co-founder and managing editor of non-profit research group U.S. Right to Know), along with Kendra Klein, PhD (Deputy Director of Science with Friends of the Earth), and Anna Lappé (award-winning author and good food advocate), the 2022 case study uncovers tactics used by the agro-chemical industry to protect their profits at any cost.

The report details how Monsanto denied harm, manipulated science, and shrouded harmful pesticides in secrecy — while exposing that cancer-causing chemicals like glyphosate have failed to deliver on their promise of increased food production.

Drawing from thousands of pages of internal corporate documents, as well as public record requests made by U.S. Right to Know, this report equips consumers with the knowledge needed to recognize misinformation and deceptive communication strategies employed by the agro-chemical industry. An excerpt of the report is available on our website and in the Summer 2023 issue of the Cultivator. The full report is also publicly available.

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