See how the best brands make it to the top of our Organic Egg Scorecard, then use it to buy the brand that’s right for you. When you can’t afford a 4 or a 5, a 3 is a solid choice. While they lack the transparency and stellar farming practices of 4s and 5s, these brands are not among the most industrialized operations either. Want to go deeper? Read our detailed breakdown of the Organic Egg Scorecard criteria and learn how to decode labels on organic egg cartons.

Brand NameRatingMarket AreaScore
5-eggThis category of producers represents the “gold standard” in organic egg production. These brands are especially dedicated to the ideals of organic agriculture and go above and beyond the minimum requirements set by the organic standards. Producers in this top tier manage diverse, small-to-medium-scale family farms. They emphasize well-managed outdoor areas, have a high standard for animal welfare, and land stewardship.
Eight Mile Creek FarmNY1705
Sublime OrganicsOR1675
Happy Hens Truly OutdoorsCA1670
Kingbird FarmNY1670
Common Good FarmNE1660
Deck Family FarmOR1635
Misty Meadows FarmsWA1635
Skokomish Valley FarmsWA1635
Nick's Organic FarmMD, VA, DC1630
Burroughs Family FarmsCA 1620
World's Best Eggs (Coyote Creek Farm)TX1620
Stueve's Certified OrganicCA1615
Villageside FarmME1605
Alexandre Kids EggsWest Coast1600
Farm and WildernessVT1595
Niki FarmsCA1590
Wanderment FarmsCA, Online1590
Erewhon RegenerativeCA1585
Pin Oak PlaceIA1570
Rachel's Eggs (Bee Heaven Farms)FL1570
Sova FarmNY, NJ, CT1560
Windy N RanchWA1560
Many Hands Organic FarmMA1555
Skagit River RanchWA1545
Turtle Ledge FarmCT1520
Mud Run FarmOH1500
OrgaNick EggsNationwide1470
Apple Creek FarmME1465
Mission MountainMT, ID, WA1465
Tomales Bay PasturesCA1450
Pasture PatternsWI1410
Alden HillsIL, WI1400
PCC Organic EggsWA1385
Wilcox Organic Pasture RaisedNorthwest1385
Pasture FreshCA, OR, WA, NV 1360
4-eggProducers in this category provide ample legitimate outdoor access for their birds, make a definitive effort to encourage natural behaviors, and prioritize land stewardship.
Larry Schultz Organic FarmUpper midwest1355
Mosel Organic FarmsNE1345
Happy Town FarmME1335
Apricot Lane FarmCA1325
Natural Grocers Regenerative Pasture-RaisedWestern US1305
Hoover RanchCA1265
Utopihen Pasture Raised OrganicEast Coast and Midwest1260
Helpful Hens Pastured (Egg Innovations)Midwest1255
Farmers Hen House Pasture Raised OrganicNationwide1245
These Came First (Natural Grocers)Western US1240
Fifth Crow FarmCA1230
Blue Sky Family Farms Pastured Organic (Egg Innovations)WI, OH, IL1210
Oliver's Organic Eggs (Can Am Farms)East1210
Farmers Hen House Organic Free RangeNationwide1180
Day Creek Organic FarmsWA1180
Helpful Hens (Egg Innovations)Midwest1180
Blue Sky Family Farms Free Range Organic (Egg Innovations)WI, OH, IL1180
Vital Farms Restorative Organic EggsNationwide1165
Carol'sEast Coast, Midwest1150
Handsome Brook FarmNationwide1145
Vital Farms OrganicNationwide1135
Nature's Yoke (Westfield Egg Farm)Unknown1115
New Century FarmIA1115
Pete and Gerry's Organic EggsEast Coast1100
Bethesda FarmsFL1080
Elmwood Stock FarmKY1070
Stiebrs FarmsWA1060
Milo’s Poultry FarmsWI1025
Sauder's Quality EggsNationwide1020
3-eggThree-egg rated brands failed to answer some or all of Cornucopia’s questions about their practices and only some information could be confirmed by our investigators. Many of these brands may have been highly rated (4 or 5) if they had been fully transparent.
Red Hill Farms Pasture RaisedCA955
Alderfer EggsCentral, Southeast910
Wilcox Organic Free RangeWA, OR, CA, CO, MT, ID900
Lancaster Farm Fresh Co-opUnknown845
Hidden Camp FarmNY740
Happy EggNationwide715
Kellner Back Acre GardenWI715
Meandering Farmers Pastured EggsCA700
Rock Hill EggsUnknown635
2-eggThese are operations that were less transparent with the public and Cornucopia, making it difficult to confirm their practices. They may not offer high quality or legitimate outdoor access.
Organic ValleyNationwide555
Hillandale FarmsUnknown535
Green Pastures PoultryUnknown520
Clover Sonoma PasturedCA , West Coast495
Nest Fresh EggsNationwide485
M & M Organic FarmsWI470
Kirkland Signature PasturedNationwide410
Born FreeEast, Midwest390
Wegman's Pasture-Raised OrganicEast Coast370
1-eggBrands fall into this category when we suspect that they are (or source from) what we would describe as “factory farms.” These brands are still better than factory farmed conventional eggs but are at the bottom of the ratings among organic brands. We may have outstanding questions or concerns regarding their practices and possibly their compliance with USDA organic regulations.
City FarmUnknown330
Nicasio Valley FarmCA235
Chino Valley Ranchers Pasture RaisedNationwide230
Country HenNationwide210
Phil's (Pearl Valley Farms)Unknown165
Eggs R UsNationwide165
Contented Hen (Eggs R Us)Nationwide165
Marin Sun FarmsCA160
Amish Organic Eggs (Kauma)Unknown140
Glaum Egg RanchCA115
Circle JD RanchWI75
Gwendolyn's (Wild Rose Foods)OR75
Vande Bunte EggsUnknown60
Kreher's Farm Fresh EggsNationwide50
Today's Farm OrganicNationwide50
Member's Mark (Sam's Club/Walmart)Nationwide50
Oakdell Egg FarmsUnknown50
Noah's Pride (Kreider Farms)Unknown50
Land O'LakesNationwide40
O Organics (Albertson’s)Nationwide30
Vega FarmsCA30
Chino Valley RanchersNationwide30
SEG Grocers Naturally Better Organic (Winn-Dixie)Southeast20
Abbotsford Egg Products (Michael Foods)Nationwide20
Eggland's BestNationwide20
Wegman's Organic Cage FreeEast Coast0
Farmers Harvest (CCF Brands)Unknown0
Earth's Pride (BJ's Wholesale)East0
Harvest Farms Organic (Ingles)GA0
Green Meadow Organics (Herbruck's Poultry Ranch)Nationwide0
Shepherd's Processed EggsWholesale0
Wellsley Farms (BJ's Wholesale Club)East Coast0
Hickman's Family FarmsWestern US0
Fresh ThymeMidwest0
Full Circle (Topco)Unknown0
Willamette Egg Farms OrganicUnknown0
Nature's Place (Delhaize)Nationwide0
Pearl Valley EggsUnknown0
Wild Harvest (SuperValu)Nationwide0
Sunshine FarmsUnknown0
H-E-B OrganicsTX, MEX0
GreenWise Organic (Publix Market)Southeast0
Inspired (IO) Organic EggsNationwide0
Judy's Family Farm (Petaluma Farms)CA0
Horizon Organic (Danone)Nationwide0
The Farmer's Hen (Shoprite)East0
Farmhouse Eggs (Cal-Maine)Nationwide0
Hidden Villa RanchUnknown0
Simply Roundy's (Kroger)Upper midwest0
Fairfield Specialty EggsUnknown0
Clearly Organic (Associated Wholesale Grocers)Midwest, KS0
Fairway MarketNYC0
True Goodness (Meijer)Upper midwest0
Stew Leonard'sNortheast0
Naturally Organic (Nationwide Food Corp)Nationwide0
Nature's Basket (Giant Eagle/Ahold USA)Nationwide0
Good and Gather (Target)Nationwide0
Kirkland Signature (Costco)Nationwide0
Marketside (Walmart)Nationwide0
Great Day (CCF Brands)unknown0
Esbenshade FarmsPA0
Lunds & ByerlysMN0
EcoMealNY, NJ0
Wholesome Pantry (Shoprite)East Coast0
Heinen'sOH, IL0
365 by Whole Foods MarketNationwide0
Mountainside FarmsEastern US0
Sun Harvest Organic (Smart and Final)Western US0
Great Value (Walmart)Nationwide0
Gemperle Family FarmsUnknown0
Sprouts OrganicNationwide0
Clover SonomaCA 0
Simply Nature (Aldi)Nationwide0
Simple Truth (Kroger)Nationwide0
Trader Joe'sNationwide0
Barnstar Family Farms (NuCal)Nationwide0
Sparboe Farms OrganicUpper midwest0
Green WayNY NJ0
Nature's Promise (Giant)Nationwide0
Petaluma PasturesCA0
Gelson's MarketCA0

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