Search Results for: GMO

The Complete Guide to the Dairy Crisis

Aurora Dairy in Dublin, Texas (May 5, 2014)

Why Small Organic Farms Are Going Under A stated purpose of the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 (OFPA) (7 CFR § 6501-6522) is to assure consumers that organically produced products meet a consistent and uniform standard. Currently, there are many issues plaguing the organic dairy industry that make this “consistent and uniform standard” impossible…. Read more »

The Complete Guide to the Dairy Crisis

Why Small Organic Farms Are Going Under A stated purpose of the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 (OFPA) (7 CFR § 6501-6522) is to assure consumers that organically produced products meet a consistent and uniform standard. Currently, there are many issues plaguing the organic dairy industry that make this “consistent and uniform standard” impossible…. Read more »

Shopping Guide to Avoiding Organic Foods with Carrageenan

Always read ingredient lists carefully. Carrageenan may be present in the final product but not listed on the ingredients label when it is used as a “processing aid,” for example in cream. We recommend contacting the company directly if you would like to confirm whether carrageenan is in the final product. Read more on processing aids here, and… Read more »

Shopping Guide to Avoiding Organic Foods with Carrageenan

Always read ingredient lists carefully. Carrageenan may be present in the final product but not listed on the ingredients label when it is used as a “processing aid,” for example in cream. We recommend contacting the company directly if you would like to confirm whether carrageenan is in the final product. Read more on processing aids here, and… Read more »

That’s Not Natural or Organic: How Big Food Misleads

Major conglomerates claim their food is healthy. But they might have funded the study — and the feds barely care Salon By Gyorgy Scrinis Excerpted from “Nutritionism: The Science and Politics of Dietary Advice” Food Technology is an industry journal that showcases the latest technologically modified and nutritionally engineered foods, offering an array of claimed… Read more »

Chaseholm Farm

Chaseholm Farm

Tied to the Land and the Cows Who Graze It Why Chaseholm Farm pivoted to 100% grass-fed by Kestrel Burcham, Cornucopia’s Policy Director In 2013, Sarah Chase took over the day-to-day operations of Chaseholm Farm, the third-generation farm she’d worked on since childhood. At the time, Chaseholm was a small conventional dairy whose cows ate… Read more »

Paradise Springs Farm

Paradise Springs

When Mike Reid started Paradise Springs Farm in 1999 in Teton Valley, Idaho, the land was suffering from years of neglect. Now the soil is healthy, the fields retain more water, and the vegetation is vibrant and diverse. As a dual-certified biodynamic and organic dairy, Paradise Springs Farm operates almost entirely as a closed system,… Read more »

Thistle Hill Farm

Thistle Hill Cheese Room

Accolades from the American Cheese Society, the United States Championship Cheese Contest, and the UK’s World Jersey Cheese Awards, among others, line an entire wall of the cheese house at Thistle Hill Farm in North Pomfret, Vermont. By way of a Boston law firm (John) and EPA subcontracting (Janine), these unlikely cheesemakers have created a… Read more »

Strafford Organic Creamery

Earl Ransom Strafford - Organic Creamery

A wild orchard hugs the driveway. The sleepy sugar shack awaits syrup season. And large round bales, set to sustain the herd of Guernsey cows until the growing season, stack high against the calf barn. Strafford Organic Creamery exudes a charm that is quintessentially Vermont. Second-generation dairy farmer Earl Ransom explains, “We strive to grow… Read more »

Seven Stars Farm

Seven Stars Farm

Don’t be surprised if you walk out of the on-farm shop at Seven Stars Farm with reverse sticker shock. Cindy Dunphy, who owns and manages the biodynamic, certified organic farm along with her two sons, Ryan and Zack, routinely gives newcomers two quarts of Seven Stars yogurt on the house. “It’s our way of paying… Read more »