Search Results for: gmo

U.S. Court of Appeals Rules State and Local Laws Can Regulate GMOs, Except in Hawaii

Cornucopia’s Take: This ruling gives state and local governments the rights overall to regulate and ban GM crops – except in Hawaii.  There, the ruling interprets GM-friendly Hawaii state law as superseding Hawaiian county and municipal law. Because of Hawaii’s unique climate, the biotech industry routinely tests crops there, subjecting Hawaiians to more restricted-use insecticides and pesticides… Read more »

Growing Doubt: a Scientist’s Experience of GMOs

Independent Science News by Jonathan R. Latham, PhD cspB, from the Bacillus subtilis bacterium, inserted into the genome of corn plantsSource: BASF By training, I am a plant biologist. In the early 1990s I was busy making genetically modified plants (often called GMOs for Genetically Modified Organisms) as part of the research that led to my… Read more »

Los Angeles May Become Largest GMO-Free Area in the US Los Angeles is considering a ban on the cultivation, sale and distribution of genetically modified organisms, which would make the city the largest GMO-free zone in the US. Los Angeles City Councilmen Paul Koretz and Mitch O’Farrell introduced Friday a motion to curb growth and proliferation of GMO seeds and plants within the city…. Read more »

California’s Largest Tribe Bans GMO Crops and Genetically-Engineered Salmon

EcoWatch by Lorraine Chow Source: Lynn Friedman The Yurok Tribe—California’s largest tribe with roughly 5,000 enrolled members—passed a historic ban on genetically modified (GMOs) crops and salmon. The Yurok Tribal Council unanimously voted on Dec. 10 to enact the Yurok Tribe Genetically Engineered Organism (GEO) Ordinance: The Tribal GEO Ordinance prohibits the propagation, raising, growing,… Read more »

Money Appears to Talk at Pew Research Group

Cornucopia’s Take: Pew Research Group’s recently released results from a public opinion survey, noting public opinion is at odds with the “scientific consensus” that GMOs are safe. Interestingly, Pew received funding from the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS), a group which promotes GMOs as being safe. Scientific funding must always be taken… Read more »

The GMO Fight Ripples Down the Food Chain

Facing Consumer Pressure, More Firms Are Jettisoning GMOs From Their Foods The Wall Street Journal by Annie Gasparro Two years ago, Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Inc. initiated a plan to eliminate genetically modified ingredients from its ice cream, an effort to address a nascent consumer backlash and to fulfill its own environmental goals. This fall, nearly a… Read more »

French Ban on GMO Maize Cultivation Gets Final Approval

Reuters by Sybille de La Hamaide The French parliament gave final approval on Monday to a law prohibiting the cultivation of any variety of genetically modified maize in the European Union’s top grain producer, where a majority of people remain strongly opposed to foods based on genetically modified organisms, or GMOs. The French Senate voted… Read more »

Can GMOs Help End World Hunger?

Huffington Post by John Robbins Can genetically engineered foods help feed the hungry? Are anti-GMO activists and over-zealous environmentalists standing in the way of the hungry being fed? The hope that GMO foods might bring solutions to malnutrition and world hunger was never more dramatically illustrated than when Time magazine ran a cover story titled… Read more »

PCC Joins Push for New Law Requiring GMO Labeling

The Seattle-based grocery chain said it will spend $100,000 to help collect signatures in support of legislative Initiative 522, which would require labeling in Washington of food with GMOs. The company also has launched an in-store signature-gathering campaign. The Seattle Times By Melissa Allison, Seattle Times business reporter PCC Natural Markets has joined the fight… Read more »

GMOs: Tell Makers of Similac That Our Babies Are Not “Human Lab Rats”

[This action alert is over.] GMOs—foods that have been genetically engineered by Monsanto and other chemical manufacturers—have never been adequately tested for long-term human health or environmental safety. Many of the ingredients used in infant formula, especially soy-based formula, are derived from crops that have been genetically altered to internally produce pesticides or to be… Read more »