A plane used for flyover investigations

The Fall/Winter 2023 Cultivator, Cornucopia’s quarterly print newsletter, is arriving in mailboxes across the country. Featuring independent journalism and stories you won’t read anywhere else, the  Cultivator is mailed to supporters as a benefit of their gift.

For a look at what supporters receive,  check out the Flipbook (see below) or download the PDF here.

What you’ll find inside:

  • Go behind the scenes of our scorecard process and find out what it takes to bring transparency to organic eaters like you.
  • Learn about the retailer in California now using our Organic Egg Scorecard to inform their purchasing decisions.
  • Our Organic Investigator Anne Ross was on the ground in Indiana this summer. Take a look inside this issue to see the difference between an industrial dairy and one of Cornucopia’s top-rated organic producers.

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