October 2015
Choosing Organic Food to Avoid GMOs and Agricultural Chemicals
Conventional foods commonly contain residues of pesticides that may cause cancer, damage the nervous system and cognitive development, or disrupt hormone functions in humans. Genetically engineered (GE) foods are allowed in our food supply, without labeling, and have been introduced without adequate testing as to their potential harm for human beings or the environment.
Protecting Children’s Health: Choosing Organic Food to Avoid GMOs and Agricultural Chemicals explores the scientific data regarding risks associated with conventional foods, and what parents can do to reduce their children’s exposure. The report spotlights the scientific evidence for choosing organic, especially for children.
The “organic” label on foods is government-regulated and third-party certified. Organic farmers are strictly prohibited from using most synthetic inputs, including neurologically toxic organophosphate pesticides and genetically engineered seed.
Protecting Children’s Health is a comprehensive resource for parents and caregivers that lists the many benefits of an organic diet as well as the risks of conventionally grown foods.
To view the report, click here.
To view the news release about the report, click here.