The Fall 2023 Cultivator, Cornucopia’s quarterly print newsletter, is arriving in mailboxes across the country. Featuring independent journalism and stories you won’t read anywhere else, the Cultivator is mailed to supporters as a benefit of their gift.
For a look at what supporters receive, check out the Flipbook (see below) or download the PDF here.
What you’ll find inside:
- An “organic” factory farm in Indiana has been accused of violating the Clean Water Act.
- An excerpt of Grocery Story by John Steinman demonstrates how we can change the food system.
- We are calling on Costco to remove carrageenan from their products and we need your help.
- Organic certifiers have called for the removal of hydroponically-grown produce from the organic label.
- Find the most flavorful tomatoes in your state by using our list of Soil-Grown Organic Tomatoes.