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Kestrel Burcham, JD |
While industrial organic operations forsake the synthetic fertilizers and toxic chemicals of conventional agriculture, authentic organic farms provide numerous ecosystem services for the benefit of all.
As the landscape of organic evolves, Cornucopia continues to monitor the industry and its regulation. The best organic farmers offer more than delicious, nutrient-rich food; they heal the soil, provide habitat for wildlife, care for human health, and remind us that we all live together in the soil food web.
Read what our director of domestic policy has to say about Cornucopia’s work in the article below.
The Cornucopia Institute is Working Toward Economic Justice for Family-Scale Organic Farms
by Matt Walker
Careful with that kale. Step away from those strawberries. They might not be as healthy as you think.
The USDA has identified residue from 225 pesticides and pesticide breakdown products — some known as potential carcinogens — on America’s conventionally grown produce. Based on this information, the Environmental Working Group lists strawberries, spinach, and kale as the top three most contaminated produce items atop its annual Dirty Dozen list.
Of course, the most obvious way to avoid those potentially harmful pesticides is to go for the organic option.
Most people understand that organic fruits and vegetables are grown without the use of pesticides and chemicals, and organic dairies and egg farms raise livestock humanely with access to green pastures and sunshine
If only it were that simple.