Cornucopia’s Take: The GMO labeling initiative in Washington was narrowly defeated in 2013, assisted by massive infusions of money from anti-labeling companies, laundered by the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA). A judge imposed a historic fine on the GMA for violating campaign finance laws. It is most unfortunate that the GMA’s lawless behavior tipped the balance against the people’s voice. The fine for them is merely a cost of doing business.
$18 million GMO fine: A victory too late
by Praphanit Doowa and Joe Copeland
Three years ago, corporate interests intent on defeating a state initiative to require labeling of GMO grocery products resorted to tactics that recently brought the largest penalty in U.S. history for campaign finance violations. Even so, the initiative almost passed.
But there’s no prospect for another try in Washington state: Congress — largely acting at the behest of chemical and food companies and agricultural interests — passed a law forbidding any state or local regulation of labeling for genetically engineered ingredients.
The 2013 Washington measure, Initiative 522, was defeated in a close election, 51 to 49 percent of the vote. The Grocery Manufacturers Association spent some $11 million to dissuade voters from supporting I-522, with much of the money secretly coming from companies like Pepsico, Coca-Cola, General Mills and General Foods. Roughly another $11 million also poured in from agricultural groups to oppose the initiative, which was showing two-thirds support in polling about a month before the election.