Cornucopia’s Take: Cornucopia applauds this groundbreaking partnership of health professionals and farmers markets for helping to get fresh produce into the kitchens of people who may not otherwise be able to afford it.

Seattle launches fresh produce “prescription” program

Source: Roger Ward

SEATTLE — The city of Seattle, Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic Harborview Medical Center and Seattle and King County farmers markets have worked together to launch Fresh Bucks Rx, a program aimed at improving health outcomes for low-income patients with diet-related diseases.

The program will be an addition to Seattle’s Fresh Bucks food access program. The difference is with this program, health providers can prescribe fruits and vegetables to their patients. Patients will be able to use vouchers from their providers to redeem foods at farmers markets or farm stands.

According to Seattle’s Office of Sustainability and Environment, food insecurity and lack of access to healthy food is a key factor in diet-related diseases. Fresh Bucks Rx is intended to incorporate healthy food access into health care visits. It allows medical providers the opportunity to talk with patients about nutrition and food insecurity, along with actual support for families to buy healthy food.

Read the entire article.

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