Can you help stand up for organic food and farming in San Antonio, Texas? The Cornucopia Institute needs citizen-lobbyists to testify at the National Organic Standards Board this April 29-30 in San Antonio. You need not be an expert—only dedicated to organic integrity. And your appearance will be brief. Each speaker gets one to four minutes. We will provide you with background information on the issues the Board is considering, testimony, and assistance with logistics.
If you or someone you know is interested in helping out and lives near San Antonio, please consider helping us make the case for organic integrity. Contact Jason Cole at cole(at) or (608) 625-2000 by April 7.
USDA National Organic Program has posted the agenda for the Spring NOSB meeting. To read all the proposals, view the agenda, and submit comments on agenda items, go to the NOP website and look under the heading Open for Public Comment, at bottom right.
The Cornucopia Institute reviews all materials petitioned for use in organics and makes recommendations on the majority of NOSB meeting agenda items.
To read Cornucopia’s preliminary Comments on Spring 2014 NOSB agenda items, click here.
To read Cornucopia’s past Comments for 2012 and 2013 NOSB meetings, click here.