New York State’s GMO Labeling Bill, A3525-A, is getting a public hearing on July 30, 2013. The New York state Assembly Committee on Consumer Affairs and Protection will be holding the hearing. Testimony is by invitation only but anyone can attend, according to GMO Free NY.
The Assembly committee is seeking information regarding scientific research and data on the health and safety of GMOs in foods, federal and state policy related to foods containing GMOs, and the potential economic and legal implications of requiring labels on foods containing GMOs.
The July 30 hearing will be held at Lehman College in the East Dining Room. Lehman College is located at 250 Bedford Park Blvd West in the Bronx.
And in nearby New Jersey, a bipartisan bill requiring GMO labeling passed an Assembly panel on June 17. The bill’s sponsor, Assemblywoman Linda Stender, D-Union/Middlesex/Somerset, said “many people have concerns about the health and environmental impacts of genetically engineered food, especially given the fact that no long-term studies have been conduct. Ordinary Americans should not be forced to act as human guinea pigs for a real-time study on the long-term health impact of these engineered foods.”