Cornucopia sent the message below the graphic to organic dairy farmers, including ones shipping to Dean Foods’ Horizon label.

We encourage consumers to sign the petition that will send a message to the Dean’s CEO telling him that taking profits generated by organic customers, and investing them to stab us in the back, is a betrayal to our values. Please make your voice heard:

Graphic created by Nutiva

Hello all,

The graphic above was posted by organic food company Nutiva, one of the champions in fighting for the right of consumers to know if their food is contaminated by Monsanto’s patented GMOs.

Today, Dean Foods launched their IPO on Wall Street selling a minority of their interest in WhiteWave for almost $400 million. Since family-scale farmers produce at least 50% of their organic milk, and they need you, Horizon shippers have a special standing in this effort.

Dean Foods has invested $254,000, joining Monsanto and the biotechnology lobby, in an effort to convince consumers in California that they don’t really want labeling. And officials at WhiteWave/Horizon/Silk have argued that this doesn’t have anything to do with Dean (despite they are the corporate owners calling the shots— and continue to own the majority of WhiteWave).

Please contact corporate officials at WhiteWave and ask them to put their money where their mouths are. Ask them to walk the talk. After all, they have an extra $400 million rattling around in their pocket as of today.

Mark A. Kastel

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