Strong and growing consumer demand for organic milk and organic dairy products is pushing dairy product producers to seek imports. The following story from New Zealand highlights the issue.

US firm wants Fonterra’s organic milkpowder

New Zealand Herald
September 22, 2005

An American dairy farm is asking the New Hampshire state government to pay US$60,000 ($87,000) for the inspection of New Zealand dairy farms so it can import milk products from them.

Stonyfield Farms, near the city of Concord, told the Boston Globe newspaper that it could not get enough organic Grade A dried milkpowder in the United States to make organic products.

The company wants to import the powder from Fonterra but needs the company to be listed on a federal Interstate Milk Shippers list.

The US federal government doesn’t inspect foreign milk producers — it leaves that to states to work out with companies.

The inspections will require two food protection workers to make four trips to New Zealand and one state laboratory worker to make a trip.


Copyright © 2005, APN Holdings NZ Ltd

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