They write: “Green Field Farms is a farmer-owned cooperative, with cooperative members supplying their organic eggs. Farms range from 2800 birds to 5000 birds. Each member family of Green Fields Farms follows a strict set of principles to ensure we produce high quality and wholesome food products. Traditional farming methods are maintained for two reasons. First, we want to remain good stewards of our precious land. Second, we believe there is no better way to instill core family values than raising our children on working farms that grow food for the community around us. Our farms grow most of their own animal feed, redistribute animal waste as earth-friendly fertilizers, and naturally control pests and weeds. Fields are cultivated with horse-drawn plows so we can constantly monitor the health or our land and crops – an impossibility when sitting atop a massive tractor. Hence, we don’t need to rely on harmful chemicals to discourage weeds and pests. In short, each farm is a small ecosystem that promotes natural ways for plants, animals, and soils to thrive. Many of the farming techniques we use today date back to the 1600s from our Swiss and German forefathers. It all starts with our appreciation of livestock manure. While many think manure is a waste product, we know there is not a better, safer fertilized ever invented. And it’s free! We annually rotate our crops and use lime to sweeten the soils. Legumes are planted to naturally extract nitrogen from air and convert it to plant food. We produce an abundance of hay that is stored so our animals are well-nourished throughout the winter. And, of course, our livestock: cows, chickens, pigs, and goats provide more manure that restarts the growing process.”
Ownership Structure | 100 |
Average Flock Size | 60 |
Single or Double Henhouses | 100 |
Other Certifications (bonus points) | |
Organic Certifier | 100 |
Commitment to Organics | 80 |
Indoor Space per Bird | 80 |
Indoor Enrichments | 80 |
Litter Management | 45 |
Natural Light | 90 |
Outdoor Space per Bird | 60 |
Popholes/Exit to the Outdoors | 40 |
Outdoor Enrichments | 0 |
Outdoor Space Exemptions | 50 |
Outdoor Management System | 60 |
Manure Handling System | 50 |
Forced Molting | 100 |
Beak Trimming | 70 |
Laying Hen Lifespan | 40 |
Use of Spent Hens | 100 |
Death Loss Rate | 80 |
Pullets | 80 |
Pullet Access to Outdoors | 80 |
Feed Produced on Farm | 50 |
US Grown Feed | 50 |
Soy in Feed | Yes |
Synthetic Amino Acids | 70 |
Disclosure Rate | 25 |