Dream Farm

Total Score2290

They write: “We are a family farm raising a variety of livestock on 25 acres. In addition to laying hens, we raise dairy goats and craft cheese in our licensed on-farm cheeserie. We also raise Jacob sheep, a few grass fed steers and 3 pigs to consume the cheese whey. Whey is also fed to the chickens. We strive to maintain our farm in a way that is benefiting all living organisms of our place. We hope to leave this farm in a better place than when we began farming this beautiful land.”

Note from Cornucopia: You can meet Jim and Diana Murphy, owners of Dream Farm, in a brief video that accompanies our report, Scrambled Eggs.

Ownership Structure100
Average Flock Size100
Single or Double Henhouses100
Other Certifications (bonus points)
Organic Certifier100
Commitment to Organics100
Indoor Space per Bird100
Indoor Enrichments100
Litter Management100
Natural Light100
Outdoor Space per Bird100
Popholes/Exit to the Outdoors100
Outdoor Enrichments100
Outdoor Space Exemptions100
Outdoor Management System100
Manure Handling System100
Forced Molting100
Beak Trimming100
Laying Hen Lifespan40
Use of Spent Hens100
Death Loss Rate20
Pullet Access to Outdoors40
Feed Produced on Farm75
US Grown Feed70
Soy in FeedNo
Synthetic Amino Acids70
Disclosure Rate95