Annie’s Homegrown

Company TypeSolera Capital
Organic StatusCaution: only 1 of 5 cereal products is certified organic
Total Score325

Annie’s Homegrown is an independent company headquartered in Napa, California, founded in 1989 by Annie Whitey. When it added breakfast cereal to its line of popular “Mac and Cheese” products, all Annie’s cereal products were made with at least 70% organic ingredients. Today, only 1 of 5 Annie’s cereal products is certified organic. The majority of their cereal products are “natural” and contain no organic ingredients. Like Peace Cereal, Annie’s successfully “baited” the customer base with all organic ingredients, then “switched” to non-organic, conventional ingredients, failing to change the barcode on the boxes.

TOTAL (possible score is 700) 325
Percentage of the brand’s product line that is certified organic.
Organic Status of Cereal/Granola by Brand
Percentage of the parent company’s products that are certified organic.
Organic Commitment by Corporate Owner
Brand’s commitment to ensuring all cereals are non-GMO.
GMO Policy (By Brand, in Cereal/Granola)
Parent company’s commitment to ensuring all of its products are non-GMO.
GMO Policy by Corporate Owner
Brand’s commitment to ensuring that hexane is not present in its cereal and granola products.
Hexane (in cereal/granola products)
Brand’s commitment to ensuring that harmful synthetic agrichemicals where not used in the production of their cereal and granola products.
Agrichemical Use (by Brand, in Cereal/Granola Products)
Parent company’s commitment to ensuring that harmful synthetic agrichemicals where not used in the production of any of their products.
Agrichemical Use (by Corporate Owner)