Dairy Research

Organic Dairy Report and Scorecard

August 2018 The Cornucopia Institute published its first comprehensive report on the organic dairy industry in 2008. Much has changed since then, as the organic dairy sector has grown exponentially. However, one thing that remains the same is the focus of The Cornucopia Institute’s work: the “factory farm takeover”...

Snack Bars Report

Snack Bars Report and Scorecard

Snack Bars Scorecard Full Report Executive Summary Press Release Snack Bar Scorecard Scoring Criteria The Cornucopia Institute’s report: Raising the Bar, Choosing Healthy Snack Bars versus Gimmicky Junk Food, exposes misleading marketing practices by food industry giants that market candy-like snack and energy bars as wholesome and nutritious. The...

Soybean Harvest

Impostor Imports: Abuses in the Organic Marketplace

Cornucopia has been investigating fraudulent organic imports and working to call out these illegalities for over a decade. Please contact us with any information about questionable shipments of imported organic grains and produce.  We will hold anything you share with us in strict confidence. Abuses were spotlighted by a...

Farmers Market

DIY Organic Certification

When Certified Organic Is Not Available, Ask the Right Questions at the Market Local farm stands, CSAs, and farmers markets give access to some of the freshest and healthiest seasonal food, while providing an opportunity to directly support the people who produce it. Cornucopia always recommends certified organic local farms...

FOIA Reading Room

FOIA Reading Room

The Cornucopia Institute has submitted dozens of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests over the years in an effort to shine a light on the inner workings of the National Organic Program. Over and over we have seen the same response from the USDA: frequent delays far beyond what...

Children's Report

Protecting Children’s Health

October 2015 Choosing Organic Food to Avoid GMOs and Agricultural Chemicals Conventional foods commonly contain residues of pesticides that may cause cancer, damage the nervous system and cognitive development, or disrupt hormone functions in humans. Genetically engineered (GE) foods are allowed in our food supply, without labeling, and have...

Cereal Research

Natural vs. Organic Cereal

Federal law requires that organic food products be produced promoting ecological sustainability, without the toxic inputs and genetically engineered ingredients common in the conventional food system. Increasingly, organic products are forced to compete with products that claim to be "natural."

Hexane in Soy Products Research

Hexane Soy

The prohibition of hexane in the processing of organic foods, contrasting with its widespread use in non-organic veggie burgers, meat alternatives, nutrition bars and other "natural" foods, is a perfect example of the importance of the organic label.

DHA Infant Formula Research

Infant Formula Report

Replacing Mother: Imitating Human Breast Milk in the Laboratory, details research questioning the alleged benefits of adding "novel" omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, produced in laboratories and extracted from algae and fungus, into infant formulas. The report presents disturbing research indicating that the new additives placed in infant formula...

Soy Research

Soy Report and Scorecard

The Cornucopia Institute's Organic Soy Report and accompanying Scorecard rates companies that market organic soy foods, such as soymilk, tofu and veggie burgers, based on ten criteria that are important to organic consumers'showcasing companies that are truly committed to the spirit and letter of the organic law while exposing...

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The Cornucopia Institute, through research and investigations on agriculture and food issues, provides needed information to family farmers, consumers and other stakeholders in the good food movement and to the media.

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