The following list of brands are known or suspected of growing their produce without native soil. Cornucopia recommends avoiding these brands.

wdt_ID Brand Logo Grown in Nutrient-rich soil? Certifier Product(s) Location
1 Agroindustrias Tombell CCOF Tomatoes Mexico
2 Del Campo CCOF Eggplant, Peppers, Tomatoes Mexico
3 Driscolls CCOF Berries California
4 Plenty United EcoCert Basil, Chives, Lettuce, Mint, Spinach, Vegetables California
5 Wholesum Harvest QAI Squash, Peppers, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Tomatoes Arizona
6 Red Sun Farms (Agricola El Rosal) CCOF Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Transplants Mexico
7 AC1 Cueto/Culiacan/Ensenada CCOF/ICEA Peppers, Cucumbers, Squash, Tomatoes, Zucchini Mexico
8 Agreenhouse CCOF Peppers Mexico
9 Agricola Etsal Primus Labs Peppers Mexico
10 Agricola Gonzmonther CCOF Peppers, Squash, Tomatoes Mexico
11 Agricola Maas CCOF Peppers, Cucumbers, Tomatoes Mexico
12 Agros CCOF Tomatoes Mexico
13 Agua Dulce Farms (Efficient Organics) OTCO Basil, Lettuce, Miscellaneous Herbs & Spices, Mixed salad greens, Mixed Vegetables Mexico
14 Almerimex Primus Labs Tomatoes Mexico
16 Big Willy's Farm A Bee Organic Cucumbers, Herbs, Tomatoes Colorado
17 Bioteck de Salvatierra Kiwa BCS Cucumbers, Tomatoes Mexico
18 Brightfarms PCO Tomatoes Virginia
19 Brighthouse Organics (NS Brands) OTCO Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Peppers Texas
20 Cerro Fresh Kiwa BCS Peppers, Cucumbers, Tomatoes Mexico
21 Chada Farms CCOF Cucumbers Mexico
23 Delightful Produce Primus Labs Cucumbers, Tomatoes Arizona
25 Edible Garden (Terra Tech) Baystate Herbs New Jersey
26 El Nazario Primus Labs Tomatoes Mexico
27 El Silencio (Grupo Hidroponia) Kiwa BCS Tomatoes Mexico
28 Exportalizas Mexicanas Primus Labs Cucumbers, Tomatoes Mexico
30 Forever Yours Farm MCIA Arugula, Herbs Minnesota
31 Ganfer CCOF Cucumbers, Tomatoes Mexico
32 Go Green A Bee Organic Basil, Kale, Lettuce, Spinach, Upland Cress, Watercress California
34 Greenhouse One CCOF Tomatoes Colorado
36 H2O Produce OTCO Basil, Cucumbers, Lettuce, Peppers, Tomatoes Texas
37 Island Grove QCS Blueberries Florida
38 Kwekerij Grootscholte Control Union Certifications Peppers Netherlands
39 Misty Organics (Wish Farms/Wishnatzki Inc.) Americert Blueberries Florida
40 Nature Fresh Farms Pro-Cert Peppers Ohio
41 Naturesweet Invernaderos OTCO Tomatoes Mexico
42 Pimientos Selectos Primus Labs Peppers Mexico
44 Productomat Kiwa BCS Tomatoes Mexico
45 Rancho Medio Kilo Kiwa BCS Tomatoes Mexico
46 Rancho Snata Cristina Kiwa BCS Tomatoes Mexico
47 San Jose Y Su Agricultura CCOF Cucumbers, Tomatoes Mexico
48 Superior Fresh EcoCert ICO Greens Wisconsin
49 Temecula CCOF Peppers, Squash, Tomatoes California
50 Terrabella Kiwa BCS Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Vegetables, Herbs Mexico
52 Unionharvest Kiwa BCS Tomatoes Mexico
53 Universidad Autonoma Chapingo Kiwa BCS Cucumbers, Peppers, Vegetables Mexico
54 Wilgenburg Greenhouses Organic Certifiers Peppers, Eggplant, Cucumbers, Strawberries, Oranges, Grapes, Tomatoes California
56 Clear Springs Farms Unknown Berries Argentina
57 Good Farms CCOF Berries San Diego, CA
58 Green Belle EcoCert Berries Europe and the Americas
59 Hardee Fresh Unknown Greens Florida
60 Magic Sun CCOF Tomatoes, berries Mexico
61 Sunrise Growers (SunOpta) Oregon Tilth Berries Americas
62 Spring Born Organic Certifiers Greens Silt, CO
63 Cal-Giant CCOF Strawberries. Blueberries Watsonville, CA
64 Pure Flavor Unknown Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Peppers Georgia, Texas, and Ontario Canada
65 Organic Indeed (Heartland Produce) Primus Labs Peppers Kenosha, WI
66 Revol Greens Primus Labs Greens Minnesota, USA
68 Mastronardi (Sunset) QAI Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Peppers, Greens Canada
69 Motherload Farm and Nursery CCOF Lettuce, Tomatoes, Peppers Valley Center, CA
Brand Certifier Product(s) Location

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