wdt_ID Operation Name Type of Operation Domestic Feed Only Cornucopia Rating Location
1 Apple Creek Farm Egg 5-Egg Brunswick, ME
2 Clean Food Farm Egg 5-Egg Orting, WA
3 Common Good Farm Egg 5-Egg Raymond, NE
4 Deck Family Farm Egg 4-Egg Junction City, OR
5 Dream Farm Egg 5-Egg Cross Plains, WI
6 Happy Hens Egg 5-Egg Ramona, CA
7 Hidden Camp Farm Egg 4-Egg Canajoharie, NY
8 Mosel Eggs Egg 5-Egg Page, NE
9 New Century Farm Egg 4-Egg Shullsburg, WI
10 Nick's Organic Farm Egg 5-Egg Adamstown, MD
11 Turtle Ledge Farm Egg 5-Egg Hampton, CT
12 Twin Oaks Farm Egg 5-Egg Bonifay, FL
13 Bell & Evans Broiler 4-Bird Fredericksburg, PA
14 Cowberry Crossing Broiler Pending Hudson, NY
15 Hawthorne Valley Farm Broiler Pending Ghent, NY
16 Miller Poultry Broiler 1-Bird Orland, IN
17 Nick's Organic Farm Broiler 5-Bird Adamstown, MD
18 Schmucker Organic Family Farm Broiler Pending Mio, MI
19 St. Brigid's Meadows Broiler Pending Coon Valley, WI(
20 Alpenrose Dairy Dairy 3-Cow Portland, OR
21 Butterworks Farm Dairy 5-Cow Westfield, VT
22 Hawthorne Valley Farm Dairy 5-Cow Ghent, NY
23 Kalona Farms Dairy 5-Cow Kalona, IA
24 Organic Pastures Dairy Company Dairy 5-Cow Fresno, CA
25 Paradise Springs Farm Dairy 5-Cow Victor, ID
26 Radiance Dairy Dairy 5-Cow Fairfield, IA
27 Seven Stars Dairy 5-Cow Phoenixville, PA
28 SpringWood Organic Farm Dairy 5-Cow Kinzers, PA
29 Bar Ale, Inc. Feed N/A Williams, CA
30 Choice Grain Feed N/A Woodbury, MN
32 F.W. Cobs Company, Inc. Feed N/A Saint Albans Bay, VT
34 Central Plains Organic Farmers Association Feed N/A Bremen, KS
35 Montana Specialty Mills Feed N/A Great Falls, MT
36 New Country Organics Feed N/A Waynesboro, VA
37 Nick's Organic Farm Feed N/A Adamstown, MD
38 Nilsen Company Feed N/A Eureka, CA
39 Reedy Fork Farm Feed N/A Elon, NC
41 Walker Bros. Feed N/A Anderson, CA
Operation Name Type of Operation Cornucopia Rating Location

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