We need improvements at the National Organic Program.

Comment before Midnight ET on March 30, 2022

Industrial “organic” operators are able to keep prices low by cutting corners on animal welfare, biodiversity, care for natural resources, and soil health. Their cheap products undercut authentic organic food in the marketplace.

A process exists to counter this threat. The National Organic Standards Board (NOSB), a 15-member group of public volunteers, was created by Congress to advise the USDA and protect organic integrity through its recommendations to the National Organic Program (NOP).

Over the last 20 years, the NOP has failed to act on 71 concerns identified by the NOSB. These stalled NOSB recommendations could strengthen organic regulations and ensure that we get what we pay for in the marketplace. Now the NOP is taking input on how to prioritize the NOSB’s recommendations.

Comment for organic integrity:

  1. Go to the comment form on the Federal Register.
  2. Write your comments directly in the form or attach a document with your input. Here are some talking points to guide you.
  3. You can submit comments online until 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Time) on March 30, 2022 at the above link.
  4. If you are an organic farmer or involved in the organic industry, let them know! Comments from organic consumers are vitally important as well, especially if you tell regulators why you care.

[Read the Federal Register notice for more information about this comment period and some of the topics that are part of the NOSB recommendations backlog.]

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