A new investigative video from a clandestine group, Organic Spies, takes a look at Whole Foods Market and the grocer’s sale of GMO foods.  While the company has been instrumental in creating a national market for many organic foods and products, they also rely heavily on the sale of “natural” foods, many containing GMOs.

Whole Foods Market has issued a public statement supporting California’s Proposition 37, which would mandate the labeling of foods containing GMO ingredients.  But, as Cornucopia has pointed out, Whole Foods and its corporate leadership have yet to contribute one thin dime to the campaign seeking to pass the citizen’s initiative on November 6.

The California GMO food labeling initiative is the food fight of the decade.  It is frequently said, “As California goes, so goes the nation.”  If consumers in California win the right-to-know what is in the food they are feeding their families and their children, we may all, nationally, be winners.

Talk is cheap.  Whole Foods Market should be proud to stand with their health and food conscious consumers and financially support the Yes on 37 campaign.

And please sign the petition to put pressure on Whole Foods and other large corporations who have profited handsomely but yet to invest in this watershed fight in California.

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