Cornucopia’s Take: A “who’s who” list of industrial agriculture proponents have written a strongly worded letter, calling Dannon’s non-GMO pledge “marketing flim-flam.” It appears that consumer opinion, and voting with our forks, has gained enough power to sway Big Food, to the dismay of Big Ag. Cornucopia notes that organic is by definition non-GMO and… Read more »
Search Results for: GMO
Vermont Senate Votes 26-2 for GMO Labeling
Vermont one step closer to becoming first state to enact such a law Burlington Free Press by Terri Hallenbeck MONTPELIER — The Senate gave a decisive 26-2 vote Tuesday for a bill that would require labeling of foods that contain genetically modified ingredients, a strong indication that Vermont could become the first state in the nation… Read more »
Obesity, Corn, GMOs Anthony Samsel If you want to avoid obesity, then avoid eating genetically engineered ( GE ) corn, corn based products and animals that are fed a diet of GE grain. Scientists in Norway have released results from experimental feeding studies, carried out over a ten year period. The results show a positive link between… Read more »
Take Steps to Prevent GMO Contamination
Agri-View By Christine McFarland, Editorial Intern Genetically modified crops were introduced to U.S. farmers in 1996 and have been readily accepted by farmers to wide levels of usage today. In 2011, GMO (genetically modified organism) varieties accounted for 94 percent of soybeans, 90 percent of cotton and 88 percent of corn according to the U.S…. Read more »
Biotech Industry Writing Its Own Rules
Cornucopia’s Take: Monsanto and the other biotech firms share the common obstacle of international regulation. As such, they have spent the last decade recreating the global ISBGMO conference to focus on industry regulatory objectives like “modernization” and “simplification.” They seek to build GMO approval into the testing process while keeping their data private. As more… Read more »
Monsanto Sneaks Desperate Farmers New Product, Blames Them for Using It
Cornucopia’s Take: Monsanto chose to sell a new dicamba-resistant seed prior to the approval. The new GMO seeds are resistant to the application of dicamba, an older pesticide that is known for its toxicity and tendency to drift. And that pesticide drift is allegedly polluting neighboring lands, causing enormous damage. Monsanto has so far refused… Read more »
Why PepsiCo Is Fighting GMO Labeling in California
Huffington Post Green by Michele Simon Most people just think of soda when they hear the name “Pepsi.” But in fact, PepsiCo is the nation’s largest food company and second largest in the world. Its annual earnings top $60 billion, from a dizzying array of brands. Walk down almost any supermarket aisle (soda, snacks, cereal,… Read more »
Monsanto’s Deception Game on GMO in Europe By William Engdahl On May 31 world media headlines read “Monsanto backing away from GMO crops in Europe.” But before the world opens the champagne to celebrate the death of GMO, it is worthwhile to look more closely at what was officially said and what not. The original source for the story is attributed… Read more »
Don’t Leave GMOs in the Dark
U.S. News & World Report by David Brodwin Source: Steve Rhodes There’s no reason to prevent states from passing GMO labeling laws. In politics you often hear people call for “states’ rights” as a way to justify certain positions. This argument sounds like recourse to a high Constitutional principle, but really, it’s anything but that…. Read more »
As Big Candy Ditches GMOs, Sugar Beet Farmers Hit A Sour Patch
NPR – The Salt by Dan Charles Sugar Beet Harvest Source: Heather Sugar, you might think, is just sugar, no matter where it comes from. But not anymore. About half of all sugar in the U.S. comes from sugar beets, and the other half comes from sugar cane. Now, for the first time, sugar traders… Read more »