Naturally Organic (National Food Corp.)

Total Score230

This brand name is produced by Cherry Lane Family Farms. While this brand utilizes large fixed henhouses, they apparently make an effort to provide at least some legitimate outdoor access to their hens.

Average Flock Size0
Single or Double Henhouses100
Other Certifications (bonus points)0
Organic Certifier0
Commitment to Organics0
Indoor Space per Bird0
Indoor Enrichments0
Litter Management0
Natural Light0
Outdoor Space per Bird30
Popholes/Exit to the Outdoors50
Outdoor Enrichments0
Outdoor Space Exemptions0
Outdoor Management System50
Manure Handling System0
Forced Molting0
Beak Trimming0
Laying Hen Lifespan0
Use of Spent Hens0
Death Loss Rate0
Pullet Access to Outdoors0
Feed Produced on Farm0
US Grown Feed0
Soy in Feed0
Synthetic Amino Acids0
Disclosure Rate0