Eggs “R” Us (Mid-States Specialty Eggs)
Total Score | 260 |
Mid-States Specialty Eggs is comprised of approximately 160 individual Mennonite Family Farms that produce a variety of Specialty Shell Eggs. Each farm holds 2 Animal Welfare certifications along with a desired certification for Organic or Non-GMO.
This brand also sells under the brand name Contented Hen, including some of their organic eggs. You can find this brand at major grocery retailers, including Sam’s Club.
Ownership Structure | 0 |
Average Flock Size | 0 |
Single or Double Henhouses | 0 |
Other Certifications (bonus points) | 60 |
Organic Certifier | 100 |
Commitment to Organics | 0 |
Indoor Space per Bird | 0 |
Indoor Enrichments | 0 |
Litter Management | 0 |
Natural Light | 0 |
Outdoor Space per Bird | 0 |
Popholes/Exit to the Outdoors | 100 |
Outdoor Enrichments | 0 |
Outdoor Space Exemptions | 0 |
Outdoor Management System | 0 |
Manure Handling System | 0 |
Forced Molting | 0 |
Beak Trimming | 0 |
Laying Hen Lifespan | 0 |
Use of Spent Hens | 0 |
Death Loss Rate | 0 |
Pullets | 0 |
Pullet Access to Outdoors | 0 |
Feed Produced on Farm | 0 |
US Grown Feed | 0 |
Soy in Feed | 0 |
Synthetic Amino Acids | 0 |
Disclosure Rate | 0 |