EPA Betrays Public Trust, Refuses to Ban Harmful Pesticide
July 23, 2019

EPA Betrays Public Trust, Refuses to Ban Harmful Pesticide

Chlorpyrifos is a widely-used pesticide with a trail of evidence of harm to children’s brain development. Prenatal exposure to chlorpyrifos is known to reduce gray matter in fetuses and subsequently to lower IQs in children. EPA research has confirmed this danger, and the chemical was slated to be banned...

Economic Justice for Family-Scale Farms
July 19, 2019

Economic Justice for Family-Scale Farms

Cornucopia Director of Domestic Policy Kestrel Burcham, JD While industrial organic operations forsake the synthetic fertilizers and toxic chemicals of conventional agriculture, authentic organic farms provide numerous ecosystem services for the benefit of all. As the landscape of organic evolves, Cornucopia continues to monitor the industry and its regulation....

Farmer Blows the Whistle on Fraudulent Imports
July 11, 2019

Farmer Blows the Whistle on Fraudulent Imports

Cornucopia continues to investigate organic grain imports and monitor USDA efforts to stop the flow of fraudulent organic grain into the U.S. John Bobbe and Cornucopia’s Anne Ross The article below features the impactful work of John Bobbe, the former executive director of OFARM, the largest organic grain cooperative...

Cornucopia’s Domestic Policy Director on Plant-Based Beverages
July 9, 2019

Cornucopia’s Domestic Policy Director on Plant-Based Beverages

https://www.facebook.com/Cornucopia.Institute/videos/908766932805974/ To unmute, click on the sound icon in the lower right corner of the video. Cornucopia’s domestic policy director Kestrel Burcham recently offered a live Q&A on the Cornucopia Institute’s newest report “Pouring” Over Plant-Based Beverages.

Add-On Label Identifies Real Organic Food
July 3, 2019

Add-On Label Identifies Real Organic Food

The USDA’s National Organic Program has failed consumers and true organic farmers by refusing to enforce pasture requirements for organic livestock and by allowing hydroponic produce to bear the organic label. As such, add-on labels are emerging to help consumers differentiate between industrial and authentic organic. Cornucopia supports the...

Impossible Burger Poses as Environmentally Responsible
June 28, 2019

Impossible Burger Poses as Environmentally Responsible

The Cornucopia Institute is neutral in terms of people’s dietary choices. Our supporters’ dietary choices range from omnivores, vegetarians who consume dairy and eggs, vegans, to 100% raw. Source: Jon Fisher, Flickr But we are not neutral in terms of the quality of the food we recommend. The Impossible...

Avoid That Glass of Pesticides, Antibiotics, and Synthetic Hormones
June 27, 2019

Avoid That Glass of Pesticides, Antibiotics, and Synthetic Hormones

If you consume dairy, a new study from Emory University suggests you are safest drinking organic milk. In their study of 35 conventional and 34 organic milk samples, 59% of the conventional products contained chlorpyrifos. Chlorpyrifos is a ubiquitous insecticide linked to lower levels of gray matter and IQ...

Alchemy by USDA and Certifiers
June 26, 2019

Alchemy by USDA and Certifiers

Conventional Cattle on Organic Dairy Farms by Kestrel Burcham, JD Director of Domestic Policy at The Cornucopia Institute The organic dairy industry is in a state of crisis. A glut of organic milk in the...

The Cultivator – Summer 2019
June 26, 2019

The Cultivator – Summer 2019

The summer 2019 Cultivator, Cornucopia’s quarterly newsletter, is now available online.

Authentic Organic Farms Are Good for Birds
June 25, 2019

Authentic Organic Farms Are Good for Birds

Wild birds can be extremely beneficial to farms, as many of them feed on pest species and support a vibrant on-farm ecosystem. Unfortunately, agriculture is the leading threat to bird species facing extinction. Source: Emilie Chen, Flickr Real organic farmers encourage on-farm biodiversity, including habitat for birds. These kinds...

Genetically Engineered Chestnut Forests Proposed
June 24, 2019

Genetically Engineered Chestnut Forests Proposed

After the American chestnut was essentially wiped out by a fungus and other diseases, researchers have created a genetically engineered (GE) chestnut that they claim is resistant to the fungus in question. They hope to release this GE tree into the wild to restore “native” chestnut populations to help...

Makers of GMOs May Be Asked to Regulate Themselves
June 21, 2019

Makers of GMOs May Be Asked to Regulate Themselves

In agriculture, genetic engineering has primarily been used to make crops resistant to pests and disease or able to survive the application of toxins, such as glyphosate. These traits do not occur naturally in the species in question. In practice, these genetically modified (GM) crops are poorly tested for...

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