Why This Guide?

Organics is at a crossroads. The founding principles of organics are increasingly under attack by powerful agribusiness corporations that want a slice of the organic profit pie.

Consumers who expect organic foods to be free from controversial non-organic ingredients can no longer trust the organic seal alone as an assurance that unnecessary synthetic and non-organic ingredients are kept out. Organic decision-makers have been bombarded with corporate lobbying power, and in many cases, failed to stand strong with organic farmers and organic consumers.

In the fall of 2011, when asked to vote to approve Martek Biosciences’ DHA and ARA oil, derived from genetically mutated fermented algae and soil fungus, the members of the National Organic Standards Board ignored the simple fact that non-organic ingredients should be allowed in organic foods only if they are essential – as in the case of baking powder to make organic cookies, or yeast to bake organic bread. Instead, the majority of NOSB members sided with corporate interests.

The Cornucopia Institute developed this guide to educate consumers about Martek’s DHA algal oil and ARA fungal oil. The guide will assist consumers in making informed decisions to buy certified organic foods without these novel, manufactured oils.

What are Martek’s DHA and ARA oils?
If it’s not organic, how come it’s in organic foods?

Consumers should use the online guide to direct their purchasing decisions, and avoid products with these questionable additives:

View DHA Guide