Well-known Maryland certified organic farmer Nick Maravell does an eloquent job making the case for the superiority of organic beef.

Could certain kinds of ground beef pose a greater risk to your health than others? Consumer Reports is raising concerns with a new investigation. NBC’s Tom Costello shares a first look at their findings with TODAY.

Read the Consumer Reports Beef Report here.

Mark Kastel on advertising:

…We apologize for forcing you to sit through this advertisement (normally we do not allow any type of advertising on the Cornucopia website). But, of course, NBC is driven by advertising revenue and there is no such thing as a free lunch. However, here’s one observation:

Servers in restaurants work their asses off for, usually, not the best pay or work conditions. Most don’t have the luxury of going home to a grand laundry room with a state-of-the-art, large pair of matching stainless steel washers and dryers. Advertising does such a great job of selling the American dream, doesn’t it?

For extra credit read the award-winning book, Nickeled and Dimed, by Barbara Ehrenreich, for a greater appreciation of how hard the people who make our lives easier work and how challenging their lives really are.


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