Anheuser-Busch & Miller Coors under fire for not disclosing ingredients in their beer.
by Vani Hari

FOOD BABE launches a worldwide petition asking America’s most popular beer companies—Anheuser-Busch and Miller Coors—to provide full ingredient disclosure in their beer products online.

June 11, 2014 (CHARLOTTE, NC) 
– Vani Hari, creator of and the food activist behind recent petitions targeting Subway and Kraft, has launched a new petition calling on Anheuser-Busch and Miller Coors to provide full ingredient disclosure for their beer products online.  Nearly every other food and beverage provider is legally required to make this information available—yet these two companies, which collectively sell more than $75 billion in beers each year, have not.

Hari grew concerned about the beer we are consuming, after discovering there is a long list of additives the government has approved for use in beer: high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors, stabilizers that are linked to intestinal inflammation, artificial colors, ingredients found in airplane deicing liquid, genetically modified ingredients, and even fish swim bladders.

Hari says, “We’re coming up on the 4th of July holiday, a weekend during which millions of Americans will consume Anheuser-Busch and Miller Coors products—and nobody knows what’s in their drinks. It’s shocking that these companies don’t disclose their ingredients, but it’s even more shocking that millions of us  – including my own husband – continue to blindly drink these beers without knowing what’s actually in them. I think we deserve to be told the facts.”

The Treasury Department (TTB) regulates beer – not the FDA – so beer manufacturers like Anheuser-Busch and Miller Coors are not required to put the ingredients on the label – or on their website. Hari continues, “After finding out that we know more about what’s in a bottle of Windex and Coca-Cola than we do one of the world’s most popular drinks, beer; I knew I needed to bring this subject to light. Transparency is all we’re asking for — just tell us what we’re drinking.”

New signatures on Hari’s petition will be sent via email to the CEO of Anheuser-Busch and Miller Coors.

Vani Hari’s previous food petitions targeting Kraft, Subway, and Chipotle have garnered more than 500,000 signatures and changed the policies of some of the largest food distributors in the world.

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