[This action alert is over]

UPDATE:  The Senate has yet to vote on the resolution, and may not until Monday.  If you haven’t called yet, you still have time to make your voice heard.

Speak up for farmers and good food!

farmers-monsantoMonsanto and agribusiness companies have managed to insert two dangerous provisions into the Continuing Resolution (“CR”) that is about to be voted on by the U.S. Senate, probably later today.

The first provision is the “Monsanto rider” that destroys the few protections that currently exist against the planting of new genetically engineered crops.  It is intended to force USDA to grant temporary permits and deregulations of GMO crops even if a Federal court rules that USDA hadn’t adequately considered the environmental or economic risks to farmers — as has been the case.  This would negate any meaningful judicial review of USDA’s decisions to allow commercialization of GMO crops.

The second provision will allow giant Agribusiness companies to continue abusive and deceptive practices that hurt livestock and poultry farmers.

The good news is that Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) is introducing amendments to strike both of these riders.

Please call both of your Senators today to urge them to vote YES on both Tester Amendments.  It only takes a few minutes, and your activism does make a difference!  Call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 and they will connect you with your senator’s office.  It only takes a few minutes, and your activism does make a difference!

If you don’t know who represents you, you can find out online at www.senate.gov.  More details about the amendments can be found here.

Thanks to Weston A. Price, the Center for Food Safety, and the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance for sharing this information.

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